
Extracurriculars, Volunteering, and supplemental activities

2023 - 2024 Academic Year


DePaul Chinese New Year Celebrations Volunteer

(February 2024)

(Total: 8 Hours)

Similar to last year, I volunteered at the DePaul University annual Chinese New Year celebration. Our responsibilities included managing decorations, event setup, providing information and greetings, overseeing traditional Chinese food stations, and assisting with clean-up activities. Our contributions were vital in establishing a vibrant and welcoming environment, actively involving participants, and guaranteeing the seamless execution of the Chinese New Year festivities.

Supplemental Activities

Clubs & Organization

DePaul Chinese Student Association Club Officer

(September 2022 - June 2024)

The Chinese Studies Association (CSA) is a Student Organization fueled by the passion of students and faculty members at DePaul University. We are sponsored by the Chinese Studies Department, but we welcome students and faculty of all disciplines to join! Combining cultural exploration and peer networking, the CSA affords its members the best experiences to strengthen their abilities in the Chinese language and culture knowledge.

Volunteering at Nourishing Hope

(March 2024)

(Total: 12 Hours)

I volunteered at Nourishing Hope in Chicago, an organization dedicated to providing nutritious meals to underserved communities. They work tirelessly to combat food insecurity and ensure that everyone has access to healthy food options. It was a rewarding experience to contribute to their mission and witness firsthand the positive impact they have on people's lives. Through their efforts, Nourishing Hope is making a significant difference in the fight against hunger.

👤Guest Speaker: Pablo Ferreyra

(1.5 hrs)

I had the opportunity to attend a guest lecture by Pablo Ferreyra, an accomplished entrepreneur and digital transformation expert at Bosch Thermotechnology. During his talk, he shared insights into his role at Bosch, focusing on the integration of AI and IoT technologies to advance sustainability and enhance customer experiences.

👤Guest Speaker: Brian Ferguson

(2 hrs)

I had the privilege of attending a guest lecture by Brian Ferguson, a distinguished Disney animator with over 25 years of experience. During his talk, he shared his rich animation history, highlighting his work on iconic films such as The Lion King, Aladdin, and Mulan. Ferguson also delved into his approach to animating characters, emphasizing the importance of conveying humor and personality, and blending hand-drawn and CG techniques

📖 Book: Everything is gonna be alright! (現在這樣就很好)

(~10 hrs)

Life can be challenging, with many people feeling annoyed, angry, dejected, and overly concerned about others' opinions. These common "invisible troubles" can lead to suffering if kept bottled up without finding someone to talk to. When facing such difficulties, it's easy to fall into a limited perspective and a cycle of negative thinking.

To break this cycle, it's important to affirm yourself and recognize that no one is perfect; your flaws make you unique. You don't need to force yourself to do anything; instead, listen to your heart's true voice. By doing so, you can overcome negative thoughts, heal your heart, and make life easier. Accept and be kind to yourself because you are already great just the way you are.

This book both helped me personally and was a good way to keep up with the Chinese language.

Iron Galaxy Visit

(2 hrs)

At DePaul, we got an amazing to visit the Chicago-based Iron Galaxy Studios which was led by the Co-Ceo Adam Boyes. The tour included both a session with the recruitment team and a complete tour of the studio. Although this is not something I intend to pursue in the future I thought it was really interesting and worth taking a look at. It was both super fun and insightful.